סיפורים על קינק

Innocent will to Something less innocent – awkward Handshake

The insecure boy hid behind one of the bushes in the yard, Not hiding from a bunch of mean girls, But what comes out of their mouths. Although he was […]

נער המצלמה – פרק 2

הנער רצה לקום ולצאת מהכיתה מרב מבוכה, אך החזיק את עצמו, מעדיף להפוך ראש לכיוון השני ולהתעסק בטלפון, אך הוא לא הפסיק להרגיש את המבט הנוקב של הבחור. הוא הסתובב […]

נער המצלמה – פרק 1

הנער התיישב בכיסאו בעייפות, נשען על ידו. הוא פקח עין אחת רק למקרה שהמורה הגיעה לכיתה, אך זה לא קרה, אחרי הכל, השעה היתה שבע בבוקר והאוניברסיטה נפתחה לא מזמן. […]

Innocent will to Something less innocent – I’m not gay

The kids in the classroom Exit, probably to the Cafeteria, And Victor Left to sit in his chair, Plans to have his breakfast in the classroom "I loved your nail […]

Innocent will to Something less innocent – little <=3

If he stopped one second later, He would probably bump into the bike positions and fly into the school wall "Hha!"Startled with the weakest voice he could and got off […]

Innocent will to Something less innocent – Nail polish and Olivia salad

" Victor! Wake up! " Victor opened his eyes to a crack, refusing to look in the morning light a Regular boys in his age, After such an exciting night, […]

Innocent will to Something less innocent – Good stories

*Rio touched him gently, And whispered to his ear "You don't want to quit, do you?" He smiled at the tired boy, His hands go up to his thighs, approaching […]

Innocent will to Something less innocent

Victor is just another new kid in high school last year. He is a shy, silent boy who hides many secrets. Victor is gay. the most gay there is, he's […]

סיפורים נוספים שיעניינו אותך